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*Enchanted Bidboards*
Board 3- TWINS(M) 8T Red white Tabby(Min bid 700L)
Board 4-(F) 8T Aby Creme Swanky latte(Min bid 900L)
Board 5-(M)7T Bali Chocolate Wild Cherry (Min bid 400L)
Board 6- (F) 8T Pink and White Rainbow Prism (Min bid 400L)
Plenty of time left on Boards we also have open ones!

Kitties up for auction @ Enchanted
With Craven Koskinen onThursdays 12pm SLT
Thursday January, 16 2014
Panel 1-Purr Balls!-Silent Night *PETITE*(F)
Panel 2-7T OcciChoco 18Carat EyesBrown and white patch OS(M)
Panel-3-7T Bali Choco Passion Eyes,vamp ears(M)
Panel 4-8T Bali lilac Lynx Canary Illue(M)
Panel 6 7T Burmese Plat,Mercury eyes,Stubby tail
Panel 8- 8T Red Mask Foxie,Morning Glory eyes
We do have free panels Smile and we can always add more
Kitties up for auction @ Enchanted
With Craven Koskinen onThursdays 12pm SLT
Thursday January, 16 2014
Panel 1-Purr Balls!-Silent Night *PETITE*(F)
Panel 2-7T OcciChoco 18Carat EyesBrown and white patch OS(M)
Panel-3-7T Bali Choco Passion Eyes,vamp ears(M)
Panel 4-8T Bali lilac Lynx Canary Illue(M)
Panel 6 7T Burmese Plat,Mercury eyes,Stubby tail
Panel 8- 8T Red Mask Foxie,Morning Glory eyes
Panel 9- 6T Genesis Domino Tapestry harvest Teacup
*Panels Available,more upon request*
*Bump* More kitties added to the auction and bidboards. Auction is today at 12pm slt.
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