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Full Version: How to get a starter cat to throw it's hidden fur
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OK, I am just unlucky or dumb. I have partnered three starter cats with three Foxie soft blacks but on each occasion all I get is genesis offspring. Am I doing something wrong or just unlucky?
I don't think so, Dingthat--you just got tails 3 times on the coin toss. Keep at it!
Thanks Barbara. Reckon it must be a double-tailed, weighted, unlucky coin as out of 7 starter cats, bred with low recessive partners I have managed 6 Genesis cats and one Siamese Blue.
Well foxie soft blacks are one of the most recessive furs. You need another dominate fur to partner with and it may throw the hidden for you. Keep trying you'll get it Smile
Have you tried a Foxie - Salt & Pepper Mask to draw out the hidden traits?

*ducks before kitten boxes are thrown at me*

It has been suggested to me that the S&P has a tendency to draw out hidden traits.
I tried 4 S&P's 1 Pandie Brown & White and 1 Foxie Soft Black. Each one delivers me the delights of another Genesis cat. Maybe they all hiding Snowshoe Creams! That raises another question: If Snowshoe cream is the most recessive how the heck do you breed one?
Have you tried this?

Have you unboxed the offspring and paired them to one of the parents? Sometimes it does not appear until the next generation.

You might want to try Balinese - Seal Lynx. I know that might seem a bit not with convention, but I have had moderate success getting the hidden fur and a few other traits. You will want a pure 9T though...meaning it's been a 9T for several generations (not just what is shown on the Pedigree).
Thanks Sneak I will try back breeding them. Think I have a 2nd gen 9T Seal in a box somewhere...Just gotta find it in inventory.
(01-13-2014 11:00 AM)Dingthat Bellman Wrote: [ -> ]If Snowshoe cream is the most recessive how the heck do you breed one?

The answer is that you can't, not directly anyhow.

But if ever a starter throws S&P with a S&P mate then thats when you open and breed back to the starter if gender permits. The OS can only be hiding S&P again or that Snow Cream. ( Of course it's worth breeding back any shown fur to try get at the hidden but as SP is the most recessive after Cream then thats absolutely one to go for.)

The very next thing to do with that starter is to pair it with a well traited 9T on a fur as dominant as possible, say a Black Russian (while waiting the 2 weeks for the said OS to reach breeding age) If you get a Russian then you know that it hides either S&P or Snow Cream, and carrying (shown and hidden ) 9 traits too.
This you now breed with another nice 9T recessive to Black, say a Seal Lynx, if Lynx shows then the starter's hidden will still be there. By now you'll be getting near a 9T, keep going like this until you have a well traited couple to pair then just sit back and wait for the magic to happen.
If in the meantime the first S&P OS has actually given the Snow cream with it's starter parent then you know you will soon have a 9T Snow Cream coming from that other couple. BINGO !

** Those genesis fur OS can never be hiding their starter parent's fur, only it's partner's so no point in trying to use them to get at the hidden fur.

** Some people seem to have more luck with some furs than others but the truth is that no fur has a tendance to "pull" better than any other.
Really clear and precise explanation Anna..Really appreciate your input and that of everyone else.
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