Can i please get some help determining what this kitty mega Pus is worth..I know the rule of thumb the somewhere between 50 and 100L per trait but the size..It must influence the value as well? should I be using the love letters for breading if they are just considered a costume and mostly not traited? Thanks for helping this noob ?
? New Born Kitten
Fur: Genesis - Coco II
Eyes: BlueBerry (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Odyssey No. 1
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)
Size: MegaPuss
Version: 1.35
MOM: tinker bell
Fur: Balinese - Cream Lynx
Eyes: Apple (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Curious
Ears: Odyssey No. 1
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
DAD: Martok
Love Letters - Compassion
Fur: Genesis - Coco II
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)
Well, you may have a really pretty kitty hidden in there but it can only carry traits that were new in the 2011 halloween collection which the Love Letters came from.
The only exception to this rule can be if an early LE package is sold unopend in which case the hidden traits will be the current ones as the hidden traits are only defined when the birthing box is first rezzed inworld. This obviously isn't the case as your kitty "shows" Coco 11 and not 111
As for the price that you can ask, the best way is to take some time to check over a few market sims and what kind of prices are happening, you'll see wildly different prices for more or less the same cat so it's best to plump for something in the middle .
As Megas are often sought for their looks and blueberry is pretty striking especially on Coco you might start a bit higher than you wish to sell then lower maybe if it stays on your hands for too long.
This thumb rule per trait is just about one of the silliest ideas anyone ever dreamed up and my advice is to ignore it, and i do wish people would stop parroting it all the time as some kind of established market rule, which it is certainly NOT; it can be totally misleading and contribute eventually to new trait market crashes.
Depends on where you're trying to sell it.
Traffic AND good product means higher resale values.
The 50/100 bucks per trait suggestion works more than selling for crazy prices.
But then again, those rules should only be used for AVERAGE kitteh.
The ones you see everywhere.
You will see the same bland cats sitting on the shelf for six months or more.
Because nobody is going to spend that kind of cash for a snoozer of a cat.
If you have a real cool fur/eye combo that people really groove on,
or its hiding something real popular,
THAT should command a higher price.
As for MEGA'S, those ARE sought after. They dont happen often.
Even a Geni-Mega is good for a few grand.
Yah, Ive seen lifer Geni-Megas parked on the side of shoppes,
month after month collecting dust with a 5K price tag.
Nobody wants to spend 5K on a Coco, unless its hiding some
really awesome sought after fur or some fresh out of the lab EYES.
If its got something cool like that, be sure to post the pedigree!
If its not selling, its not worth the asking price, or its visibility is poor.