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Full Version: how do special furs breed or are they only the first kitty fur
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I'm new and just opened my first kitty 3 days ago. Albiet the first kitty was so cute, I got 7 more within 2 days so I'm a cat lady now. My only 9trait kitty I actually got out of a gatcha. The most I paid was for my starter and the least I paid was L$40 plus one for free. I'm not counting the Phoenix. I've been reading the stuff on the genetics and making kitties and trying to figure out how I want to do my first pairings. I don't really understand the special furs.

My understanding is that there are 2 furs in each cat: one showing and one hidden. I got the free Snowflake advent kitty. I can see on the pedigree it has a Genesis--Diamond III fur. I don't understand the special cat furs and how it plays into the genes. I can see 3 possible scenarios
A. G-Diamond fur is dominant and the Snowflake fur is the other fur
B. G-Diamond fur is dominant and there is another hidden fur so the Snowflake fur only shows on my kitten and cannot get handed down to descendants.
C. The Snowflake is a kind of auxiliary fur so future descendents may get G-Diamond with a Snowflake overcoat, or plain G-Diamond or hidden fur
Hello Kayla welcome to our community Smile

You are right with B. the Snowflake kitty is a costume kitty as we call them and their appearance is just to fancy up celebrations such as Halloween, Christmas etc. but are not possible to breed for.
So behind each costume kitty are the most dominant starter traits hidden in this case the Diamond fur and other Genesis traits.
They are similar to a normal starter kitty you can obtain in the KC main store.
Sometimes KittyCatS! includes special genes in their celebration kitties though which are specifically related to that special alone but I believe this is not the case with the Snowflake.
Last spring for example KittyCatS! brought the Wild Flower Kitties and the Scrambled eggs collections via these kitties there was the possibility to breed a random crystal eye not available via their regular starters.
These things they mention in their release notecard.
Basically it is a Genesis Diamond with a fancy costume :-)
What the kitty is hiding behind those starter traits can be found out via breeding them with for example a recessive and high traited kitty and when you receive a box with a fair amount of non starter traits there are basically two approaches.
Some people like to back breed them and others like to breed two siblings which show other than starter traits and pair these up.
Back breeding can give you faster results so that is the benefit of back breeding.
The benefit of sibling breeding (my favorite way) is that you know the kitties hide all the traits your starters partner had in case of a 9 traiter kitty the chances are higher the siblings will give you a better traited kitty.

I hope this helped to clarify this a bit.

Good luck!

The snowflake coat is a costume. It can't be passed to the babies, so B is the correct scenario. Your cat has Gen Diamond III as its dominant fur gene and an unknown, more recessive fur as its hidden gene. Only by breeding it can you find out what that might be. Same is true for the other traits.

It will always look like a snowflake cat, and will only pass Gen Diamond III or its hidden fur to its children.

Feel free to contact me in-world.
Thank you Kay and Barbara. That helps a lot. It really sounds like breeding is like a mystery game where you are trying to find out what your cat is hiding. It sounds like fun. (They are so cute! I am getting a kick out of petting them and having them ride on my shoulders.)
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