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What age does a cat stop breeding?
They stop being able to breed right as they turn 121 days old.

There is an advantage to this.

They also stop eating by half!
If they turn 121 but are due to have a kitten the day they turn 121, Will they still have the kitten or no.
(11-23-2013 10:20 PM)LillyRascal Resident Wrote: [ -> ]If they turn 121 but are due to have a kitten the day they turn 121, Will they still have the kitten or no.

This is an interesting point that i don't believe has come up yet.
At 100% love i guess the data from the paired kitties will start being processed by the server, or waiting in line i'm not sure.
So if, meanwhile, one or both of them flips to 121 days does the process abort or must it terminate ?
If it's the male who flips and his data is already all uploaded then i'm guessing the female who isn't at 121 must produce the box.
But i'm just ruminating too, someone who knows the functions better (i wonder who Big Grin) will surely have more of an answer than i do.
They won't have the kitten.

As soon as they turn 121, love goes off.
I don't think the in-world breeding system was ever removed. As I under stand it, the in-world box production system is different from the Cattery, which runs its own, wholly separate box production system.

So, I don't think there is any "queue" which in-world cats join .. when it's time the cats communicate with each other and a box appears. Communication of the box's existence is an after-the-fact transaction. So, while there may be a very tiny (ie. milliseconds-long) window where a cat is, technically, over 121 and a box still appears, I rather doubt you could observe the fact .. at best all you could say is both events appeared simultaneous.

On the other hand, I do believe that the graininess of your personal clock (which is likely close to 1/10th of a second) is far smaller then the graininess of the Cattery clock. So it would not surprise me in the least if you could point at a box and say it sure appears TO YOU to arrive after a cat turned 121; but that is because of your different clock. As far as the Cattery is concerned, at worst, the events were simultaneous (that is .. both occurred in the same "tick") .. that YOU think the tick was, say, 15 minutes long (the size I think it is) is immaterial: it's indivisible, and the events were therefore simultaneous.
(11-24-2013 12:52 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think the in-world breeding system was ever removed. As I under stand it, the in-world box production system is different from the Cattery, which runs its own, wholly separate box production system.

So, I don't think there is any "queue" which in-world cats join .. when it's time the cats communicate with each other and a box appears. Communication of the box's existence is an after-the-fact transaction. So, while there may be a very tiny (ie. milliseconds-long) window where a cat is, technically, over 121 and a box still appears, I rather doubt you could observe the fact .. at best all you could say is both events appeared simultaneous.

On the other hand, I do believe that the graininess of your personal clock (which is likely close to 1/10th of a second) is far smaller then the graininess of the Cattery clock. So it would not surprise me in the least if you could point at a box and say it sure appears TO YOU to arrive after a cat turned 121; but that is because of your different clock. As far as the Cattery is concerned, at worst, the events were simultaneous (that is .. both occurred in the same "tick") .. that YOU think the tick was, say, 15 minutes long (the size I think it is) is immaterial: it's indivisible, and the events were therefore simultaneous.

Not relating to 121 days, but I have seen instances when a breeding pair of any breeding age have both had 2 hearts. Then before the server sampled and sent out the rezz-a-box data, one of the cats turned to one heart. This happens when energy or happiness is right on the 25/75% boundary, and drops. But even though one cat had one heart, I still get a kitten box, and not must milliseconds later.

Just saying. I think it takes time for the green wizard behind the curtain at KC headquarters to decide whether he needs to break the "random" chain of 14 boy kittens in a row this time, or make you suffer another week. Smile
Well … being a layman when it comes to scripts <---> server processes i kinda thought that OS production had long abandoned XS and those miles of lines, and moved on to something more sophisticated, especially as XS seems to produce such lag hogs (Chickens, Ammaretto's 2010 ?), i assumed that the vast improvement in script count since was due to the fact that it was mostly dealt with by servers these days.
Must say i haven't read up much on it though, just ideas roughly put together from hastily gleaned here and there infos. For example, in the case of the special eye and costume events, it seems to me that as they can't already be written into each cat then out-world intervention must happen before box production. There are other examples that my brain is too laggy to delve for so early in the morning.
As the idea of creating a breedable has never tempted me i've never really bothered to delve into the workings, and anyhow i glaze over in 10 secs when any of my geek friends in SL try explaining me anything geeky.
box production and genetics are separate processes

genetics does use the database. it occurs some time after box production, when the box is first rezzed; which can be very shortly after production, or months later
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