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is it possible on the menu to put an off button on the "i am hungry" noticfications
they driving me nuts
(11-04-2013 10:55 AM)neckcadaver Resident Wrote: [ -> ]is it possible on the menu to put an off button on the "i am hungry" noticfications
they driving me nuts

LOL I think that is the purpose Smile
I have kitties like that in an alt's online cattery.
An alt I barely use and I make sure to disable via the SL homepage that I don't receive offline messages via mail.
But I hope as you do this hassle is not needed anymore and these messages can be put off.
or you could just feed them?

There is NO way we're feeding several hundred cats, for two or three years, each, waiting for them to "ripen" enough for sale. We do need an option to tell the Cattery to stop pestering our ALTs about food.

But, if you're talking about in-world starving cats, don't waste money feeding them .. just pass them to an ALT, as suggested. The messages can be discarded and, if the sight of sick kitties bothers you, send them to a no-food Cattery.
I don't know about anyone elses starving kitties but when in the cattery or on a parcel. My alt only gets that blasted message once that I have ran out of food upon login in The ones on a parcel I get once in a while but I only have about 10 or so and then they are silent for the rest of my stay in SL while I'm on.
was a suggestion, geezus, pulled out 20 lives from inventory all collectors to sell.... that is why
I actually would love having an option to disable food notifications from the cattery, since I use it specifically for box and senior cat storage. I muted the "KittyCats Cattery" object inworld, but I still get the offline messages to my email since KittyCatS Resident owns the object. For Q&A and other reasons I really don't want to mute KittyCatS the person. xD
I agree Elsa, I have the same issue and would love to be able to stop the messages from cattery. I use my alt for my SE kitties that are too old to breed. This would be a lovely addition
i agree with OP, it is so annoying to get the "your cattery is out of food... yada ya" msg. I for one don't want the hassle of trans my kitties to some "alt" just so i don't see the message. honestly just turn it off please and thank you.
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