I wander the malls late at night.
Looking for odd bargains.
Checking out the competition.
Seeing what the state of kitteh is at that given moment.
And I see ghost babies being sold for 6k.
Not megas and teacups, but base ghost babies.
If you can get a pair of basic ghosts in the aftermarket for 1k,
and you breed those ghosts and get a special kitten.
Well, it looks like its worth 1k plus a week of kibble expenses.
Unless you're telling me your time is worth 5k
for the five minutes it took you to hatch everybody
and stuff em in the cattery.
Ok. Lets say it is. . .
does anyone actually pay 6k for a new halloween offspring???
Maybe three years from now,
when you cant buy all the components cheap off the shelf.
But today???
I can make you six specials for that price!
Sounds to me like they should be selling for 950,
an incentive price for those who are not into the whole
I really wonder about the logic in this secondary marketplace.
Delusional price gouging?
Wishful thinking?
All KittyCatS should be obtainable by anyone,
not only wealthy Saudi oil barons!
Musing over.
What do you think?
::please keep in mind the following is just MY opinion and view on things, not meant to be taken as complete fact as I do not claim to know everything or anything beyond what i have seen for myself::
i agree with you, I've seen some serious mark-ups for these babies (spooks,hells,supers etc) and it drives me nuts. It would seem at those prices that maybe they are not sure if they want to sell them or not. the most I could see paying for one of these kittens, without it being special size, is 900-1k. But that would be down the road after the kittens have stopped being for sale and you are unable to find or trade for the one you are wanting. Price hikes like these hurt the secondary market which then leads to massive "closing" fire sales.

(10-25-2013 09:17 PM)Tatiana Cheng Wrote: [ -> ]It would seem at those prices that maybe they are not sure if they want to sell them or not.
Actually, I tend to put insane prices on the cats I dont really want to sell.
So you may find a half million dollar price tag on a pink mega,
or something crazy like that.
I would never expect somebody to actually pay that.
However, I have been surprised to find Ive sold a royal teacup for 5k
which I would rather have kept!
I've spent whacky money on some uber rares,
but thats about it.
You can ask whatever you want. You will get whatever someone pays. 6K may seem insanely high, but I've seen cats sell for a lot more, and I've seen them priced for quite a bit more than that.
Just remember: what you see is the ASKING price. If you see the cat disappear, it may not have sold, or it may have sold for far less (or more) .. you don't know and, unless you're the buyer or seller, you'll never know the SELLING price.
If you REALLY want to figure out what cats "are going for", haunt the auctions. That's the only place where you can be reasonably sure the ASK and BID met at the SALE price.
I actuallu got a phantasm for 4k. That's the lowest I have seen it but I would never pay that again. I think people just want to try and get rich so they price really high. Not fair at all.
I actuallu got a phantasm for 4k. That's the lowest I have seen it but I would never pay that again. I think people just want to try and get rich so they price really high. Not fair at all.
(10-26-2013 12:07 PM)dreampoetz Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I actuallu got a phantasm for 4k. That's the lowest I have seen it but I would never pay that again. I think people just want to try and get rich so they price really high. Not fair at all.
And yet if someone is willing to pay that price, how's that unfair? This is a market-driven economy just like any other. A cat is worth what you or someone else is willing to pay for it, bottom line. I've had 9t cats with 'decent' traits go for amazing amounts simply because i took the time to breed out an especially nice-looking combination of traits. I've had other 9t cats with one or two really recessives but not so nice combos go for far less.
Bottom line, it's all about what catches someone's eye.
(10-27-2013 09:50 AM)Liriel Garnet Wrote: [ -> ] (10-26-2013 12:07 PM)dreampoetz Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I actuallu got a phantasm for 4k. That's the lowest I have seen it but I would never pay that again. I think people just want to try and get rich so they price really high. Not fair at all.
And yet if someone is willing to pay that price, how's that unfair? This is a market-driven economy just like any other. A cat is worth what you or someone else is willing to pay for it, bottom line. I've had 9t cats with 'decent' traits go for amazing amounts simply because i took the time to breed out an especially nice-looking combination of traits. I've had other 9t cats with one or two really recessives but not so nice combos go for far less.
Bottom line, it's all about what catches someone's eye.
That may be true up to a point, but there are those who run up the price when there is seemingly little to no "decent" traits. The Hell-O-Kittehs or Supercats for example have been marked up crazy high by a lot, before even opening the box. Which since they are still available at the store for less than that is a bit like price gouging to me, preying on those who want a certain type yet feel that is the only option besides trading.
The other example I've seen is like a Genesis Mega priced higher than 1-2k, even though all traits on it are Genesis except being a mega. so I do think some prices are unreasonable at times but hopefully the market can continue to stay balanced and work it self out in time.
(10-27-2013 09:50 AM)Liriel Garnet Wrote: [ -> ] (10-26-2013 12:07 PM)dreampoetz Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I actuallu got a phantasm for 4k. That's the lowest I have seen it but I would never pay that again. I think people just want to try and get rich so they price really high. Not fair at all.
And yet if someone is willing to pay that price, how's that unfair? This is a market-driven economy just like any other. A cat is worth what you or someone else is willing to pay for it, bottom line. I've had 9t cats with 'decent' traits go for amazing amounts simply because i took the time to breed out an especially nice-looking combination of traits. I've had other 9t cats with one or two really recessives but not so nice combos go for far less.
Bottom line, it's all about what catches someone's eye.
I'd like to add that way back in 2011, the first panic sales when sellers started to undercut each other, some of us refused to follow and we maintained our prices as far as possible, and still do.
For the greater majority this certainly wasn't out of greed, but to counter a drastic slump.
If we hadn't done so there would probably be not much of a market at all at the present.
Also i would rather pay a decent price for a kitty that i know has taken the breeder months and months of brain wracking and expense to produce, rather than a box with more or less the same traits where i know that the seller has just grabbed a pair on the cheap and selling at 500L$ to make a few fast bucks.
(10-27-2013 11:51 AM)Tatiana Cheng Wrote: [ -> ] (10-27-2013 09:50 AM)Liriel Garnet Wrote: [ -> ] (10-26-2013 12:07 PM)dreampoetz Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I actuallu got a phantasm for 4k. That's the lowest I have seen it but I would never pay that again. I think people just want to try and get rich so they price really high. Not fair at all.
And yet if someone is willing to pay that price, how's that unfair? This is a market-driven economy just like any other. A cat is worth what you or someone else is willing to pay for it, bottom line. I've had 9t cats with 'decent' traits go for amazing amounts simply because i took the time to breed out an especially nice-looking combination of traits. I've had other 9t cats with one or two really recessives but not so nice combos go for far less.
Bottom line, it's all about what catches someone's eye.
That may be true up to a point, but there are those who run up the price when there is seemingly little to no "decent" traits. The Hell-O-Kittehs or Supercats for example have been marked up crazy high by a lot, before even opening the box. Which since they are still available at the store for less than that is a bit like price gouging to me, preying on those who want a certain type yet feel that is the only option besides trading.
The other example I've seen is like a Genesis Mega priced higher than 1-2k, even though all traits on it are Genesis except being a mega. so I do think some prices are unreasonable at times but hopefully the market can continue to stay balanced and work it self out in time.
I agree, some do price things very high. And if they sit around, then i'll agree it's too high. But if someone buys it at that price, how can you say they're pricing things too high?
I was shopping for something on a market sim one day and saw a whole pile of basic boring mega's priced 10k - you wouldn't get me to buy one for that, but if others are, then that's good for the seller who sold it and the buyer who got what they wanted. Me, I shop and find a price i like, or i don't buy it.