Today I discovered that KittyCats are breedables who arent suitable for 'pet' lovers like me in SL.
I have a home in SL and have serveral 'pets', because I think its fun to sit an watch their movements etc. Today my oldest KittyCat (of 3) is 328 days and again begging for food, so I opened the chat on this site. To ask when they stop asking for food. I discovered there is a permanent vitamin required (Dwarfins have to get that too).
But when I asked how much that was, I was totally shocked ... L$ 1500 per cat.
I think this is way to high and for me a reason to just delete and trow them away, I cant use the KittyDollars, cause I am NOT a breeder.
I hope the KittyCats might consider to change this, so more pet-lovers might buy and KEEP KittyCats.
To compare:
ABC Horses will autom. turn into pets when they reach 140 days.
Dwarfins need an elixer that cost L$ 500
It hurts to delete the cats, cause they where a special gift. But I cant effort L$ 1500 per cat to keep them. Sorry

i hear ya. and there is another thread somewhere on here about this very topic but not sure we are anywhere close to getting an answer. what gets me is that the diff between perma'ing them before 120 and after 120 days is only 300L. Personally I think even if they drop the after120 days potion down to 1k they would still be making good money, if not more since it can be a little easier to pull that off for some. I still like the idea of auto perma after a certain amount of time. I guess all we can do is keep sharing our requests and wait to see if they implement them, since we have seen in the past that they do listen, even if it takes a while for them to be able to do it. thank you for sharing.
Well i think that one solution is given here in the post by Kittycats : : "We also believe that very cheap or free perma-pets would harm the secondary market a lot, since it would get saturated with lots of cats which would stick around forever, since there is no reason at all to "eliminate" a cat that doesn't need food. Making Perma-pets no transfer could eventually be some kind of solution to that, but has other implications. (like loosing a good part of its value...)
A cheaper permapet (ie 500L$) which makes the kitty non-transfer. This would rule out any possible perma market flooding and enable some who have more limited budgets to have their favorites around and not rotting in their i/v. As to the part about "loosing a good part of it's value" well i think mostly the best loved are moggies that have long lost any market value they could have had, and anyhow it'd be a choice for the owner to make.
As things are i do know that many have very little hobby money to put into SL and go to great lengths to be able to breed a few kitties, some even compromising their RL budgets as they so love their KittyCats and just can't bear the idea of parting with them. People who are handicapped and housebound with little money and their kitties and the community becomes all-important to their day. There are more than we think as many will never let on and they make out that life is shiny and bright for them. Some have contributed much to the KC community too.
Permapetting is only for those who have a comfortable budget, i myself have a middling budget i guess but i've only ever perma'd some high end LEs for selling purposes, my very first boy and his GF still eat food.
Of course i realise that KCs needs a substantial income to be able to keep up the very high standards and keep moving forward and also to make all this worth their while, so the prices of the two available perma's should stay the same and for most of the reasons that the team has already given in previous threads on the subject.
But this cheaper non-transfer version could well bring in quite a lot of L$ too from those who otherwise will never be able to perma their favorites.
Not forgetting either that the money situation is becoming tighter and tighter for everyone now.
well... this topic has been talked about for a long time and Callie has voiced her reasons. I too find the price a little on the eye-brow raising side (fennux eternal crystal only costs 495L) and I always wondered, why price something so much that it discourages sales? Anyway, Callie isn't budging on the price, and I suspect its partly due to not caving into public pressure, imagine if she did, then many of you will start lobbying for shorter initial breeding period, cheaper food and the list goes on...
So what can we do? Firstly, do your math (someone posted this in group chat but I forgot who, I saved it in a notecard as it made sense): "assuming the cat is at 121 days or more: 1 bowl of food = 1 cat/56 days @ L$170, so $L1500/170=8.823bowls for that price, which would feed the cat for Approx 494 days, or about 16 calendar months, or about 70 weeks. So if you keep the cat for more than 70 weeks after permapetting, you're saving food L$. If not, you're better off feeding it"
Or do what I do, put all retired cats in an alt account's online cattery without food, you can still look at them without em hiding under pretty blankets, plus you can see their stats/age etc. until you hit some linden jackpot and can afford to perma-pet them

(10-15-2013 02:02 AM)anna acanthus Wrote: [ -> ]...
People who are handicapped and housebound with little money and their kitties and the community becomes all-important to their day. There are more than we think as many will never let on and they make out that life is shiny and bright for them. Some have contributed much to the KC community too.
All very well said Anna
For some people, I noticed as well, KittyCats are indeed one of the very few things in life that are a soft place to fall.
I'm sensitive for this it would be awesome if your suggestion could bring a solution for those challenged in life in what ever way or handicapped even and by that likely with a tight budget.
This might be the anwer to this complex problem.
What a great idea!
(10-15-2013 02:02 AM)anna acanthus Wrote: [ -> ]A cheaper permapet (ie 500L$) which makes the kitty non-transfer. This would rule out any possible perma market flooding and enable some who have more limited budgets to have their favorites around and not rotting in their i/v. As to the part about "loosing a good part of it's value" well i think mostly the best loved are moggies that have long lost any market value they could have had, and anyhow it'd be a choice for the owner to make.
Anna what an awesome suggestion!
I sincerely hope Callie and the rest of the KC's team will give it serious consideration and hopefully respond in their usual community spirited way!
You are also absolutely correct the impact these furballs have on people's life.
Well thanks Kay, Vamp and Ms

I'd like to say that this was just another golden nugget that popped out of my awesome grey matter

(whaa ?!!) but in fact it was KCR who'd already thought of this in the link i gave above so i just developed a bit .
We know well by now that just because they say no to us often they really do regularly reconsider our more reasonable requests.
Remember gender on boxes ? In fact it's only since sometime in summer 2012 that we've had access to this feature : (i do like going back over these older threads, takes me back to the times when we had a lot of long and really interesting, often heated, discussions in this forum.)
Anyhow i know that this suggestion will be considered, so cross fingers everyone who supports.
Recap for those who tend to skim posts (like me) : this suggestion is NOT just to have a cheap permapet, it will also make the kitty NO-TRANSFER, therefore NON-MARKETABLE.
True Anna
We can't blame them for not listening to us, luckely.
Eventhough it does not always mean they always implement a suggestion we know they do listen.
What would make sense maybe is that cats which stop to breed automatically become a non transferable pet which does not eat and breed and can't be sold and will not receive updates just as the Firekitty.
I think this would make a huge difference for those who want to keep their kitty because they love it.
And I have to admit they have a freaking cute factor to the max.
Sometimes I have a breeding line I worked on for ages and I can't help myself but keep one of them as a memory.
Every so often I permapet such kitty but this is because I can do that.
For me to think others can't is heartbreaking they are just too cute and if people get really sad I think that price is too high to pay: A sad community member.
The potion can be obtained indeed for the prices they are currently go for if one wants to resell a kitty or wants a kitty to receive updates etc.
This way the business angle with for example LE's is protected and the market will not get stuffed with permapets.