what cat we get if we breed the starter with a rare cat
this is my cat
Fur: Chateau Cat - Pink & White No. 1
Eyes: Passion (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: 16 cm (6.2 inch)
The thing about starters is they hold some assurances.
For example, while they show a fur from the Genesis collection, they are assured to carry a non-Genesis fur (as their hidden/recessive).
So, the odds are exactly 50% that breeding a starter to your Chat. Pink & White will produce a box showing the starter's Genesis fur and which will carry (hide) either the Pink & White or will carry (hide) whatever lies behind the Pink & White.
Of course, that means the odds are 50% you'll get something non-Genesis. From this point on, the odds are difficult to determine. (They're not impossible, but we'd need a LOT of data, which we don't have, to make a rational guess.)
If you do get a non-Genesis box, there are two possible cases; either the box will show Pink & White or it won't.
If the box does show Pink & White, you are assured that the starter also hides Pink & White, or hides something more recessive than Pink & White. What could that be? Refer to Saga's charts.
It's more likely, though, the box will not show Pink & White. If it does not, there are, again, another two possible cases; either the box will show something dominant to Pink & White, or it will show something recessive to Pink & White.
If the box shows something dominant to Pink & White, it is showing (exactly) the hidden carried in the starter. It either carries (hides) Pink & White, or something recessive to Pink & White. Whichever it carries (hides): it came from the Pink & White parent.
If the box shows something recessive to Pink & White, it is showing (exactly) the hidden carries in ONE of the parents, and carries either Pink & White or something more recessive (which came from the other parent).
Similar possibilities exist for each of the other eight trait.
For Eye Shape, Pupil Size and Shade, the fact you're breeding against a starter is immaterial. There are no assurances these traits hide something more recessive than what they show.
For this Pink & White, with no knowledge of its parentage, paired with a starter, the odds of the offspring box showing AT LEAST ONE 'starter trait' are between 8111-in-8192 (99.011%) and 31-in-32 (96.875%); and the odds of NONE at all are between impossible (0%) and 1-in-8192 (0.012%).
Rare being a relative term.
I wouldnt consider a pink cat to be a very rare cat.
When I think rare I think those cats purchased with jewels.
I've never seen one of those,
but I'm quite a fan of the pink chateaus,
and have a bunch of em laying around.
Red eyes on a pink however,
may indeed be rare,
as I have never seen one of those in my travels.
Best of luck in your endeavors!