I finally had my first baby. It is was nothing to write home about. I bred a starter male and a traited Female. The offspring only got the fur of the mother and everything else was starter. My question. Is there any reason to keep this offspring for breeding? I know I did learn that the hidden furs of the starter father is the same or more recessive than the mothers fur and her hidden is of course less recessive, so they both need to be bred with less recessive furs if I want to find their hidden furs. but the new baby seems to have no use to me. What do you think?
The answer depends upon your goals.
Speaking as someone who didn't have goals when I started, you know the offspring's hidden fur is equal or less than the shown, so it will always pass a traited fur. If the mother's eyes were showing traited, you know the offspring is hiding a traited eye.
It's tough when starting out, and one thing i learned was to have at least a few breeders to rotate through and get more boxes, depending on what you are willing to spend on food, and prims, unless you use the cattery.
I didn't have a goal until i finally got a pandie brown, and was able to be sorta sure of some hiddens.
(09-22-2013 04:34 PM)Troubadoura Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I finally had my first baby. It is was nothing to write home about. I bred a starter male and a traited Female. The offspring only got the fur of the mother and everything else was starter. My question. Is there any reason to keep this offspring for breeding? I know I did learn that the hidden furs of the starter father is the same or more recessive than the mothers fur and her hidden is of course less recessive, so they both need to be bred with less recessive furs if I want to find their hidden furs. but the new baby seems to have no use to me. What do you think?
In general, when you breed a starter with a traited cat and the offspring returns one of those traits, then the starter either hides that trait or a more recessive trait.
For example, I had a starter from the spring kitties. For 6 breedings, the offspring had genesis for ears. On the 7th, the starter was paired with a kitty who had Odyssey No. 1 ears and the offspring had Odyssey No. 1 ears. That meant that it got Ody No1 from dad and MUST have gotten the starter mom's hidden ear. which must be either Ody No. 1 or something more recessive. Unfortunately both the starter and that box were girls, so I couldn't open it and breed it back to the starter mother to see if that breeding might bring out the hidden ear. No one would have bought that box, but I kept it just in case something cool was hiding.
The next time, I paired the starter with a dad that had Mysterious Odyssey Fold ears, at the time the most recessive ear. The next baby had Rounded Fold ears, and I got to discover a new ear, and that original box was now worth quite a bit. Several times in breeding that starter, I got the dad's ear, which meant it hid rounded fold. Because it was a new trait, those boxes sold very well.
However, the offspring also got a plush tail when paired with a plush tailed dad. Plush was retired, so it had to hide something more recessive. I saved those boxes too, but it turned out that the starter hid Chop Chop, not all that exciting. But you just don't know until you breed all the traits out.
If I'm not going to use them to breed back to the starter, I save the boxes when they show at least one of the traited cat's traits. That means the offspring is hiding the starter's hidden trait, which is either the same as the traited cat or better.
Hope that made sense!