09-15-2013, 12:33 PM
09-15-2013, 12:59 PM
(09-15-2013 12:33 PM)RazorJayd Resident Wrote: [ -> ]How rare are blacklight eyes?
Look on SAGA's google charts to see where they fall in the recessiveness list. They're not that recessive. They are, however, retired. So that means the only way to produce more is to breed them from kitties already in existence. You won't get any more blacklight eyes from starter kitties.
09-18-2013, 06:41 PM
Rare and recessive aren't the same thing. Some recessive traits are very common because people breed for them a lot. Other traits which are quite a bit more dominant are rare because people DON'T breed for them. Blacklight are rare, in my experience. I don't seem them often. But they are not particularly recessive.
09-18-2013, 07:06 PM
(09-18-2013 06:41 PM)Mellyn Llewellyn Wrote: [ -> ]Rare and recessive aren't the same thing. Some recessive traits are very common because people breed for them a lot. ...
Totally off-topic here, but I simply must make this comment:
How refreshing it is to see "a lot" written correctly, as two words! LOL! I'm certainly giving a thank you to you, Ellyn!
How refreshing it is to see "a lot" written correctly, as two words! LOL! I'm certainly giving a thank you to you, Ellyn!