Everytime I think I have this down, I realize that i'm not sure.
Is the following statement correct -----
The hidden traits in a cat will always be less dominant than the trait showing.
(09-12-2013 12:06 PM)Troubadoura Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Everytime I think I have this down, I realize that i'm not sure.
Is the following statement correct -----
The hidden traits in a cat will always be less dominant than the trait showing.
That is true.
That is true, but the statement should in fact be:
The hidden trait will be equal to or less dominant than the shown trait.
**sometimes the hidden and shown are the same

The hidden trait will always be the same or more recessive.
(09-18-2013 11:49 PM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: [ -> ]The hidden trait will always be the same or more recessive.
As Sanura mentioned- The term Recessive is used instead of "less Dominate" but they mean the same thing.
I tend to think of more or less recessive for some reason but yes they mean the same thing just different angles LOL