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Sniffles came down stairs alarmed that the noise from the construction site had stopped, when he came down he noticed something very different about the inside of the Play Kitty Mansion, he looked around for a bit and decided to go outside to get a better view!

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The mansion had been upgraded! To fit more kitties! Sniffles was so happy about this, and he noticed that some of the kitties had already claimed there own space! He then wondered if there would be another expansion, or better yet more kitties!!

[Image: Snapshot_010-1.png]

~ Play Kitty Mansion ~
Sniffles called every kitty in the Mansion to the new wing of the house so they could discuss who gets to stay were. They were discussing for many hours but then came to the decision that only the prettiest of kitties may stay in that part of the Mansion (limited editions). All the other kitties liked this idea as the pretty kitties were taking up alot of room.

[Image: Snapshot_018.png]

There was one kitty who didn't belong there though, who didn't .. fit in.. this kitty was hiding in the back in the shadows, no other kitty realized until they heard the soft purring coming from the darkness, when he stepped out all the other kitties were relieved to see it was not a threat, but a new kitty, and not just any kitty, the kitty who funded the whole renovation to the mansion! He was welcomed with open arms by the pretty kitties and given his own corner, and a new name! Snoozy cause all he does is sleep!!!

[Image: Snapshot_016.png]

And what kind of kitty would Snoozy be without receiving cuddles?!

[Image: Snoozer.jpg]

~ Play Kitty Mansion ~
A new kitty has moved into the Play Kitty Mansion! LoverBoy! And has made a big impression on all the other kitties and fits right in with the other pretty kitties! But sadly he has not found a lover of his own just yet!

[Image: Snapshot_001-1.png]

~ Play Kitty Mansion ~
this is so cute and funny!
Slurper was awake all night in labor with Koy who was sitting patiently beside her hoping she would be okay! The hours went by fast and in the end they had a little Domino Kitty that Slurper named Slipper!

[Image: Snapshot_002-5.png]

Koy now thinks that Slurper was unfaithful to him, wondering how she could have had a Domino when they are both far to special. Slurper knows she was faithful to Koy and knows that Slipper is their baby and know one elses!

~ Play Kitty Mansion ~

(06-02-2011 12:05 AM)KittyCat Princess Wrote: [ -> ]this is so cute and funny!

Thank you ^_^ These kitties are my life Tongue
Blooms two cousins came to the Play Kitty Mansion for a visit! They loved it so much that they decided to move it! And it couldn't have been at a better time because bloom was beginning to feel lonely even though he has kibble! So warm welcome party was thrown for Fallin and Sprout!

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[Image: Snapshot_005-2.png]

~ Play Kitty Mansion ~
Caramello was in labor for only a few short minutes! And then came the box, she has been sitting around for some time now waiting for her kitten to appear! No one yet knows what it could be, she is hoping for a little baby girl but wouldn't mind having a boy, even though she knows if she did have a boy Abella would give it away, to a good home of coarse!

[Image: Snapshot_007-3.png]

~ Play Kitty Mansion ~
Aww congrats Caramello! I hope it's a girl! Smile

This is becoming a nice kitty drama Wink
It was early morning and construction noise could be heard from a distance! All the kitties went outside to look, this time they wern't as concerned since it was so far away, but they were still very interested in what is going on!

[Image: Snapshot_009-1.png]

~Play Kitty Mansion~

The construction had been completed after a few short days! And all the kitties from the mansion were so happy to see what had been built! A cafe for them to go and eat lunch and hang out! All the kitties were so excited, some even made there way over to see how the kitty kibble is! And it is great!

[Image: Snapshot_013-1.png]

~ Play Kitty Mansion ~
The owner of the cafe decided to make the Play Kitty Mansion their home, since it is the only house in sight for 20 miles! And so everyone welcome the owner to the Kitty cafe Club SnowFlake! She has already caught the attention of a few boy but is FAR to young to be even thinking about kittens!

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~ Play Kitty Mansion ~
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