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Full Version: Friday 13th Patron Auction w/Nika @ 6pm
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Here's a taster for the upcoming Patron Auction for Breena (wickedeve)... All 12 Panels filled with Collection Kitties and LE's.... You don't want to miss this!
Extra Extra Read all about it.
A patron auction with 12 panels of COLLECTIBLE Kitties
will be up for grabs. For all the NEW comers and COLLECTORS
that missed out on some of the cutest cats....
here is your opportunity to take one home.

Like the very RARE Starry Starry Night Advent Calender cat.
You really don't want to MISS this auction.
See you on
Friday Sept 13th @ 6PM with the Lovely Nika as ur Auctioneer.

Please note amendment:
There was a slight change in the lineup.
The Ice Baby Pink Chill which was originally to be auctioned off,
has been swapped out for the RARER Ice Baby Amazing Glacier.
Thank you!!
Here is the full Panel Listing of the awesome collectibles on offer Wink

Panel 1 St Patricks Day 2012 Lucky Irish Clover Costume Eye
[Image: kittycats_lucky_irish_clover.jpg]

Panel 2 Halloween 2011 SkeleCat- Harvest Moon
[Image: kittycats-skelecats1.png]

Panel 3 RFL 2012 Steampunk
[Image: RFL-KittyCatS.png]

Panel 4 Spring 2012 Delectable Darling - Whimsical White
[Image: KittyCatS-Spring-2012-Collection-Decaden...393576.png]

Panel 5 Halloween 2011 Devil Doll- Teal Temptation Natural
[Image: kittycats-devildolls1-e1319157633680.png]

Special A Xmas 2011 The Royal Queen Of WinterLand & The Royal King Of WinterLand PAIR
[Image: KittyCatS-THE-WINTER-ROYALS-e1323680807172.png]

Panel 6 Xmas 2011 Ice Baby - Amazing Glacier
[Image: ice-babies-kittycats-winter-collection-e...776393.png]

Panel 7 Halloween 2011 SkeleCat - Pinkergeist
[Image: kittycats-skelecats1.png]

Panel 8 Spring 2012 Fun Flower Garden Gaze & Fun Flower Garden Green PAIR
[Image: KittyCatS-Spring-2012-Collection-Fun-Flowers.png]

Panel 9 Xmas 2011 RainDear The Boy & RainDear The Girl PAIR
[Image: RAIN-DEARS-KittyCatS-e1323681003296.png]

Panel 10 Halloween 2011 Devil Doll - Red Hot Flashy
[Image: kittycats-devildolls1-e1319157633680.png]

Special B Xmas 2011 Advent Calender Gift Starry Starry Night - Pink & Silver Star
[Image: KITTYCATS-Starry-Starry-Night-2011-final.png]

Cant wait to see you all there...
.:*?*:. .:*?*:. Patron Auction !!*?*:. .:*?*:. .:*?*:.

? ? ? ? ? For: Breena (Wickedeve)
? ? ? ? When: Fri Sept 13, 2013 @ 6pm SLT
?. ? Auctioneer: Veronika Darkwatch
?. ? We hope to see you there!

You do not want to miss this plethora of collectible KittyCats, 12 Panels featuring a total of 15 Rare and Collectible Limited Edition Kitty's.

Panel 1: St Patricks Day 2012 Lucky Irish Clover Costume Eye
Panel 2: Halloween 2011 SkeleCat- Harvest Moon
Panel 3: RFL 2012 Steampunk
Panel 4: Spring 2012 Delectable Darling - Whimsical White
Panel 5: Halloween 2011 Devil Doll- Teal Temptation Natural

Panel A: Xmas 2011 The Royal Queen Of WinterLand & The Royal King Of WinterLand PAIR

Panel 6: Ice Baby - Amazing Glacier
Panel 7: Halloween 2011 SkeleCat - Pinkergeist
Panel 8: Spring 2012 Fun Flower Garden Gaze & Fun Flower Garden Green PAIR
Panel 9: Xmas 2011 RainDear The Boy & RainDear The Girl PAIR
Panel 10: Halloween 2011 Devil Doll - Red Hot Flashy

Panel B: Xmas 2011 Advent Calendar Gift Starry Starry Night - Pink & Silver Stars

Incredible Low Opening Bids
There are some incredible collectibles here, I cant wait, been so excited about this auction Smile
Some of you may already know me.
My crazy and hectic schedule prohibited me to be on as I would have liked
which is why I have been gone for so long.
Recently I just came back, and have missed being part of the KittyCatS community.
So you can’t imagine how excited I am to once again breed KittyCatS!
and get my hands into all the new furs and traits.
This patron auction marks my official return.
I can’t wait for the auction.
For those who don’t know me, please feel free to say hi.
You will be seeing me more frequently at the auctions.
See you all this Friday!!!
Looking forward to this one, though i already blew alot of my spending cash on a cat this month... we'll see if i can snag anything >Big Grin
Just over an hour before the auction and I am so excited, cant wait to see you all there, there are some truly amazing collectibles on offer for you tonight courtesy of Breena Wink
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