KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Wed 6pm w/Nika @ ScratchN Post
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?Wed 6pm KittyCatS w/Nika @ ScratchN Post?

The lineup so far...
Foxie Soft Black Mint Julep +4 TOY
Foxie Soft Black Pft Apple +3
Aby Creme Posh Rounded Fold +2 Petite
Siamese Flame Caramel Black Lightwave +3
Maine Coon PC Vampire White Fussy +4
Aby Lilac Pft Tapestry Royale Wild Tiger +2
Bali Seal Fancie Purple +5
9T Ocicat Choc Pft Apple
Aby Creme Strawberry Bellini Glitter +5
Pandie E & I Pft Grape Ice +2 Hiding Posh Tail
Ocicat ES Strawberry Bellini +6
Aby Creme Morning Glory Porcelain +3
sooo much more to come!

Raffle: Bengal Charcoal Pft Ody Bellini +4, Just 99L to Enter, Raffle already running

Nikas Kitty Kwestion...Come have your Vote

Prize Giver featuring our wonderful Patrons Custom Collars, Hats, Pedigrees and so much more!
Added two more gorgeous kittycats to the lineup, looks like i'm going to have to get the mop out again this week
3 more super cute kitties added to the lineup
Ok amended the lineup, a traitalicious kitty now added
Yay for purple lol, two more gorgeous kitties added to the lineup
Two more awesome, awesome kitties added to the lineup, just one more kitty to add and then the lineup will be complete Wink
And now the lineup is completed with another amazing kitty Smile Its gonna be another amazing auction, cant wait!
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