Hiya, I'm looking for 2 Female white Russians with Twinkle! For eyes, I prefer perfect, for colors I'm Looking for Devine, Crystal Clear, Blueberry, Fancie Teal, anything around those colors will do, no apple please.
If you have something like this please send me an IM inworld, not on here, please leave me the price and a lm to where the cat is for sale if I do decide to purchase it, Thanks tons!!!
? Amore
*** Thanks to all that have responded, still need a few more!
New Born Kitten
Fur: Russian - White
Eyes: Platinum (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Curious
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Mysterious)
Size: Normal
Breeder: You
Owner: BAUER1611
New Born Kitten
Fur: Russian - White
Eyes: BlueBerry (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Mysterious)
Size: Normal
Breeder: You
Owner: BAUER1611
Russian 9T
Fur: Russian - White
Eyes: Platinum (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Plush
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Mysterious)
Size: Normal
Breeder: You
Owner: BAUER1611
Amore, you would hit on my twinkle kittys lol. I do have flash with azure. But they more than likely hide apple. But I forgive them because they give me vampire ears.
(08-21-2013 05:59 PM)Serena Stroikavskoi Wrote: [ -> ]Amore, you would hit on my twinkle kittys lol. I do have flash with azure. But they more than likely hide apple. But I forgive them because they give me vampire ears.
Lol, Im not against apple, I love it, I just have wayyyyy too much of it
(08-20-2013 10:30 PM)AmoreJade Cyberstar Wrote: [ -> ]Hiya, I'm looking for 2 Female white Russians with Twinkle! For eyes, I prefer perfect, for colors I'm Looking for Devine, Crystal Clear, Blueberry, Fancie Teal, anything around those colors will do, no apple please.
If you have something like this please send me an IM inworld, not on here, please leave me the price and a lm to where the cat is for sale if I do decide to purchase it, Thanks tons!!!
? Amore
*** Thanks to all that have responded, still need a few more!
UPDATE: ----------- Blueberry Found, looking for clear colors now!