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Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
11-26-2021, 08:46 AM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2021 08:48 AM by Arwen Swordthain.)
Post: #11
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
(11-26-2021 03:46 AM)Nocshadue Balbozar Wrote:  It's Dom to Dreamy Oasis and Rec to End of the Rainbow. All I know so far =o)


Can you share your proofs on that please. We are unable to update the charts without evidence.
We would need to see 2 pedigrees, 1 showing Dreamy Oasis pulled from under the new eye and the second would need to be either seeing it pulled from under End o' The Rainbow or 2 pedigrees showing the starter passing the eye and the starter passing it under End 'o The Rainbow.
Regarding the Dreamy Oasis, proof of purity is also acceptable if you haven't pulled it out again. However since its no longer most recessive a "because I know its pure" won't suffice.
The charts are evidential and transparent, because of this updates are linked back to the proof so everyone can see how a conclusion was arrived at and therefore dispute it if they think its incorrect, mistakes get made so this provides community oversight instead of Ivy and I simply stating that this is what it is.

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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley
11-26-2021, 10:19 AM
Post: #12
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
I think it's fine for people to post things that are "suggestive". I wouldn't want to frighten anybody from posting on the threads because they weren't sure or didn't have all the perfect screen shots. It's just - as Arwen said - we don't update the charts unless the posting is an iron clad proof with all the "i's" dotted and the "t's" crossed.

The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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 Thanks given by: ShannonSpoonhunter Resident , Arwen Swordthain , Songdog Woolley
11-28-2021, 08:29 AM
Post: #13
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
(11-26-2021 10:19 AM)Ivy Norsk Wrote:  I think it's fine for people to post things that are "suggestive". I wouldn't want to frighten anybody from posting on the threads because they weren't sure or didn't have all the perfect screen shots. It's just - as Arwen said - we don't update the charts unless the posting is an iron clad proof with all the "i's" dotted and the "t's" crossed.

In addition may I also add that both Ivy and I are more than happy to come look at cats and take the relevant screenshots and post. We both post regularly for people that don't like to post on the forums.

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11-28-2021, 10:54 PM
Post: #14
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
Hello everyone,
well just say that i opened this kittycat and found the eyes different to the pedigree name
i am still looking to see if i can find the same colours as this with different name of eyes in pedigree ?

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 Thanks given by: Sannctuary Resident , Ivy Norsk
11-28-2021, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2021 11:40 PM by Sannctuary Resident.)
Post: #15
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
(11-28-2021 10:54 PM)Shajen Miles Wrote:  Hello everyone,
well just say that i opened this kittycat and found the eyes different to the pedigree name
i am still looking to see if i can find the same colours as this with different name of eyes in pedigree ?

Hi Shajen, yes it's definitely a different eye colour to the Odyssey Slime And Sky.
very strange.
the closest matching eye colour I can see is Odyssey Nebula Moon but that still doesn't explain why this kcat's eyes are called Odyssey Slime and Sky, on its pedigree. you either have a new eye or a technical issue. very pretty kitty.
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11-29-2021, 03:00 AM
Post: #16
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
(11-28-2021 10:54 PM)Shajen Miles Wrote:  Hello everyone,
well just say that i opened this kittycat and found the eyes different to the pedigree name
i am still looking to see if i can find the same colours as this with different name of eyes in pedigree ?

I agree that looks like Odyssey Nebula Moon. I suggest filing a ticket and getting Kittycats to take a look, its probably a glitch of some kind, it happens every now and then.

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12-29-2021, 10:00 AM
Post: #17
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
This proof is from MaryJane Sunshine:
Ody Slime and Sky is dominant to Grey Matter.

[Image: 56b0f9cf75c6ae0e44ee26c4b9d2fcac.jpg]

The Soul Switcher2 was mated with a Grey Matter mate. The kitten showed the Ody Slime and Sky. Later when Noxi II was paired with a Magic Kiss (our most recessive eye) cat, the Magic Kiss pulls Noxi II's hidden, which is the Grey Matter.
Therefore the Ody Slime and Sky was hiding the Grey Matter and is dominant to it.

The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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01-25-2022, 08:40 AM
Post: #18
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
This proof is from Zeniroth Anguilar / pedroesloco: Odyssey Slime & Sky is recessive to Galaxy Lava.
It's a standard bonk and pull.

[Image: e1bf9ac1419d4652f717e4b9b68e674c.png]

Now we have a top range..albeit with an uplaced eye.
Thank you Zeniroth.

The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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 Thanks given by: MaryJane Sunshine
02-09-2022, 12:34 PM
Post: #19
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
Dad is solid, got a little girl with his eye which is in the middle of the slime and sky, I plan on breeding her to one of my reccessives to see if she hid the slime or not. Just thought i'd let ya'll know. Will keep you posted.

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 Thanks given by: LittleMe Jewell , Arwen Swordthain , ShannonSpoonhunter Resident
03-06-2022, 02:24 PM
Post: #20
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
Dominant to Destiny Waters

[Image: 51922305658_304baac9b0_b.jpg]

~ Nᴀᴠᴀᴀʀ ~
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