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Is the Chateau - Cocoa & White No. 2 very rare?
04-08-2012, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2012 12:24 PM by Liriel Garnet.)
Post: #10
RE: Is the Chateau - Cocoa & White No. 2 very rare?
(04-08-2012 11:42 AM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote:  I adore the chateau cats:-)
And Grey & White I think are so cute but all chateau's I think are cool and as for breeding a nice mid range to breed with.

[Image: 6974288305_8393b7c3e7_z.jpg]
Cat Cuddles Teddybear by SL Kayleigh McMillan, on Flickr

And I'm one that dislikes most of the chateau's visually, which is why I don't breed them. The few I don't actively dislike (I've sworn to kick any cat that gives me a pink and white, for example, straight to oblivion -- but that's my choice, I know there are those who adore the pink and whites), I don't care about, so.... I leave it to those who love the furs to breed those.

Personally, I breed Bengals, which aren't particularly popular unless they're snows (which I *don't* breed because I think the other three are MUCH prettier), Russian blacks, and Oci's (I got my Cinn/Silver's set, still working on tawnies and choccys). I have been breeding with the aby lilacs, but I think they're going away pretty quick. They're more trouble than they're worth cause every box i get from them with the traits i want showing lilac births a boy pretty much LOL, so I'm taking the boxes I have and sending the live ones to kitty playground as soon as they have their boxes this weekend.

With so many furs, it's become important to pick and choose what I like. I keep other furs that have traits I want to work back into my main lines only until I have those traits. I heavily suspect that in the near future, a lot (if they haven't already) will specialize, either in certain traits on 'don't care' furs, or in certain furs, or even in certain combos, simply because of the sheer number of choices.

That said, if I see anyone breeding or selling the chateau coco & white 2's, I'll post something to the OP.
(04-07-2012 07:39 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote:  My recommendation:

Sometimes you need to Punt.

Forget the Rainbow. Proceed with more dominant eyes. It may take a bit longer but you can end up with better results.

Cross the sublime with a dominant eye having a known recessive between the two. (Water over Fire, for example .. I'll use Fire to mean that middle value from here on ...) Look for Fire output. It will be either Fire over Sublime or Fire over the recessive from the Sublime. Crank that pair producing box after box. Once you have three boxes, pop to get a mating pair and start them breeding. As you get more boxes, pop, until you get more pairs cooking.

You don't know the fourth gene but you'll find it and, being more recessive than Sublime, you'll probably want it!

Generating pair: Water [Fire] crossing with Sublime [Sublime or better].

Each box output is 50/50 odds to show Fire. Menagerie Water outputs to help defray costs and reduce clutter, frustration, and temptation.

Each Fire box is 50/50 odds to carry Sublime and 50/50 odds to carry [Sublime or better].

Each sibling-to-sibling pairing from those boxes is 75/25 odds favoring Fire over either Sublime or [Sublime or better].

If Sublime results, it is 50/50 odds to be True Pure Sublime and 50/50 odds to be a repeat of the original generating Sublime hiding [Sublime or better].

If [Sublime or better] results, and is Sublime, your 75/25 odds above are actually 50/50.

If [Sublime or better] results, and is NOT Sublime, it is 1/1 odds to be True Pure of that fourth gene. Joy!

If this was meant for me, I actually did that *chuckles*. I've found it much easier to pull a trait into a line via this method than trying to pull it with more recessive and then breed them up to 9t, and I also ensure I'm getting a fur I like. I'm currently pairing two 9t kitties both hiding sublime, one with grass and one with key lime, this way I know when I get my sublimes on my glittery black Russians, they're pure. *grins*

Kitty Kollege Pawfessor, Kitty Kottage
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RE: Is the Chateau - Cocoa & White No. 2 very rare? - Liriel Garnet - 04-08-2012 12:18 PM

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