It looks like "Ace Son of a Powder Puff," a Chimera Washed Tortie, finally passed the Powder Puff No. 1 fur from his dad Hector (who has it under his Year of the Rabbit 2023 costume) to his new daughter, which appears to show that Powder Puff No. 1 is recessive to Chimera Washed Tortie. Although grandma on the other side of the pedigree has the name Gillie Powder Puff, she's 806 days old and is a Powder Blue with a Puff tail, not a Powder Puff No. 1. (Judith the Puff also refers only to her Puff tail - as you can see, I like using Puff tails with Powder kitties.) Please correct me if I am wrong. It's 3:30 AM my time and I might have missed something important.