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Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
03-08-2022, 10:34 AM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2022 11:12 AM by Arwen Swordthain.)
Post: #23
RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky
(03-07-2022 08:08 AM)Ivy Norsk Wrote:  Thanks Navaar.
That's a good indicator.
Any chance you've got proof of purity on the Destiny Waters line?

Navaar sent me a link to the pedigrees in her Flickr will pull them across to the thread.
adding Navaars pedigrees for purity proof

Sanders, Dad in her proof
[Image: 3542556a2b256cc197148b75540c0fe8.png]

Mira, Sanders Grandma on both sides
[Image: d8d960c279a1c0a1e8c2d653f1d0a739.png]

At this point Mira cannot hide anything more recessive as on the day Navaar took these 6th Mar I tracked back to the day Destiny Waters was replaced as most recessive, 21st Feb 2018.
That was 1474 days, so any cat older than 1474 days cannot hide anything recessive to Destiny Waters, Miras grandparents are over 1500 days old meaning most recessive thing that can be in either is Destiny Waters therefore Mira is pure.

What we need more info on is actually Alaric, Sanders Grandpa, his parents are both Destiny Waters but not quite old enough to prove purity, we need Alarics full pedigree
[Image: 87b9d94f1288c8f1faf93bf8175daff1.png]

And Navaar sent me Alarics pedigree and we can see that his parents are Miras siblings so therefore like her are pure making him pure also
[Image: bf16b22318063881a6cde2f946464b07.png]

Therefore Odyssey Slime & Sky is dominant to Destiny Waters

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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk
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RE: Nwe Eye Odyssey Slime And Sky - Arwen Swordthain - 03-08-2022 10:34 AM

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