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New eye End o' the rainbow
08-31-2021, 03:14 PM
Post: #31
RE: New eye End o' the rainbow
I was up to my second cat on that test as well so also glad its out of the way Smile

(08-31-2021 02:10 AM)Kayla Woodrunner Wrote:  I know that feeling, Eleanor! I don't even say I'm going for a proof until I get one because so many of mine do just that. Murphy's Kitty Law: when you want the most recessive that's hidden and really really want the hidden, you will get the shown.... When you don't want the hidden, you will get the hidden every single time, lol.

(08-28-2021 12:44 AM)Eleanor8 Resident Wrote:  Thank you so much for that proof.

My lot have been utter brats. I’m now up to 8 different cats chasing that proof. Every single one had pulled the hidden eye on the fancie purple diamond cat.

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