(12-16-2021 02:40 PM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: Hi Pedro,
Generally new traits are loaded into the KittyCats database in advance of each collection time and "turned on" with the Collection release. Starter cats which are rezzed after that "Turned On" time are loaded with whatever the current database of traits consists of - with the caveat that some collections have special traits that are specific to that Collection. So... FancieCats are guaranteed to hide the fancie eye or fancie whisker that go with that particular costume... but all the other traits draw on whatever the current database of traits are. In short, we think that Eleanor's FancieCat was loaded with the hidden fancie trait for the Fancie Cobalt Toyger and the rest of the traits were filled in from the current (loaded at Halloween) database set.
Lots of older breeders keep unrezzed older Collection cat Vendor packages in inventory and rezz them as they have time to breed them out, waiting until a new collection is out in order to get the newest traits on the "old" cats.
ooh i see, makes sense. but to be sure i did understand...so basically the current halloween cats can also discover this fur too?