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Reduced price on Triple Tiger Toyger-tan, Soul sparkes, Opaline, and more!
03-21-2017, 12:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2017 01:13 AM by kathy0831 Resident.)
Post: #1
Reduced price on Triple Tiger Toyger-tan, Soul sparkes, Opaline, and more!
I just reduced the price for triple tiger toyger-tan girl live at one of my stores.
I also have many live and boxed kitties, and accessories.
please come to check it out !!

Fur: Toyger - Tan
Eyes: Jade (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Tiger Curl
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Black (Shape: Frazzled)

* http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/To.../136/92/21

I also have soul sparkes, Opalines, other toygers, sporty tail and many more !!

Other locations
* http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Si...e/67/96/21
* http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Se...121/170/21
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03-23-2017, 12:00 AM
Post: #2
RE: Reduced price on Triple Tiger Toyger-tan, Soul sparkes, Opaline, and more!
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03-24-2017, 01:14 AM
Post: #3
RE: Reduced price on Triple Tiger Toyger-tan, Soul sparkes, Opaline, and more!
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